  • 解釈:和歌や俳句には、守るべき基本定型がある。和歌は、五・七・五・七・七の五句体(31音)の基本定型。俳句は、五・七・五の三句体(17音)の基本定型、及び季語・切れ字。
  • Literal:In waka and haiku, it is "majikku" if ignore the number of characters. In waka and haiku, it is "the devil words" if ignore the number of characters.
  • Interpretation:The basic fixed form that should follow is in a waka and a haiku. The waka is a basic fixed form of "5,7, 5,7,7-5 phrase body (31 characters). The haiku is the basic fixed form of "5,7,5-3 phrase body (17 characters) and a season word, punctuation words.

  • 和歌と俳句と魔字句(majiku,majikku)と
  • 短歌(和歌)と俳句は別物

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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.